Internet Marketing Burnout – Ways to Overcome It

Most internet marketers will deal with this at some point or another in their race to escape the rat race….BURNOUT. This article discusses internet marketing burnout and ways to deal with it…and hopefully overcome it so it doesn’t drag you down. I’m going to share some tips and tricks to set goals and keep on track…

Setting Goals

Problem #1 – Overload

The most common problem…and I am guilty of it as well….is trying to do too much at once. You may have a full-time job, or other obligations make it hard to get things done because of the sheer amount of things to do.

The other reason for overload is trying to do too many internet marketing methods at one time. You need to pick one path and stick with it until you either see results, or are positive that it’s not going to work. Remember that it is good to not have just one income stream and put all your faith in one basket…but you have to give things time to develop and become successful.

Solutions to Overcome Overload:

  1. Plan out your days….with Google calendar, a project tracking app such as Trello, a spreadsheet, or any other method where you can plan out your time better. This helps you keep on track and become accountable for your goals
  2. Ditch the shiny object syndrome…and focus on one thing at a time. This way make things much less complicated for you and allow you to laser focus on the prize. The key to being successful is being consistent…baby steps man!
  3. Family should always come #1 in my opinion…but #2 is the thing that you want to achieve the most.

Problem #2 – Not Setting Goals

Another common problem people face is doing a bunch of ‘stuff’ and not seeing any results. You need to have a firm set of detailed goals to get what you want.

Steps to Set Goals

Try this exercise to help you set focus and plan out some goals…

  1. Take out a piece of paper and write down how much money you want to make monthly. This can be enough to replace your current income if you are employed….or something bigger that will let you live the life that you dream and get all of the things you want.
  2. Now write down all of the ‘methods’ you are trying to currently make money online. If you are just starting out write down some ways to make money that you are most interested in.
  3. Look at your list of methods….and choose ONE that you think has the best chance of success and earning potential based on your experience
  4. Following up on the plan discussed before…schedule out on a calendar or spreadsheet some actions that will help you achieve your goal. We are aiming for consistency here. Examples would be launching a new campaign every week, or writing a blog post every week, or creative two new videos a week, etc. Plan to do as much as you can reasonably every week, but make it consistent.
  5. Follow this schedule and drown out all other noise and see what happens 🙂 When you start seeing results it usually overcomes the burnout and pushes you to keep going.

Problem #3 – Feeling Like You Are All Alone In Your Internet Marketing Journey

Most people don’t get the internet marketing lifestyle and assume that making money online has to do with scams. The fact is that building a real business is possible from a variety of different internet marketing methods but you need support and like-minded individuals that you can talk to. If you go it alone 100% of the time and you are not seeing the results you want this can lead to self-doubt…and ultimately burnout.

Feeling Alone

Ways to Find People to Support Your Internet Marketing Goals

  • The easiest method in this digital world is to join an internet marketing forum and start interacting with others that are interested in space that are trying to make money in. Here are some of the most popular internet marketing forums on the Web:
  • Join a Facebook group – this has in some ways become more popular than traditional internet marketing forums because of the popularity and format of Facebook. Simply do a search for your interest and add the word ‘group’ to it to find like-minded entrepreneurs (e-com group. digital marketing group, affiliate marketing group, internet marketing group, etc)
  • Start your own Facebook group – Create your own following and share with others while being in control of the content
  • Look for local internet marketing groups on sites like

What Makes You Avoid Internet Marketing Burnout?

I’ve listed my top internet marketing burnout causes and solutions….what about you? I’d love to hear from anyone that has struggled with it and how they deal! Drop me a line in the comments section and I will respond.






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